Sunday, April 17, 2011

Birthday Pics!

Night #2 with Jaclyn and Ali :)

First celebration night for my Birthday! 
Alli came, we had a blast :) 

Mark and Dan
Alli and I :)
bffsssss :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. - Max Lerner

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Personal Essay for class

It was rainy and cold outside; the wet moisture from the road was fogging up the windshield. I walked through the automatic doors just as the wind swept my hair away from my face, chilling my body. As I walk through the spacious building, my heels make a hard, rhythmic sound against the tile floor. I scan the aisle for the “Gif” call numbers on the shelves. It is all the way towards the back of the library in the fiction section. I finally find the correct shelf, and I immediately scan all the book covers alphabetically following the letters to spell out the author’s name, “Giffin.” I finally find it sitting on the third shelf. I pick it up, place it in my arms and return back to the front of the library where I check out my book at the computerized station. I walk out the automatic doors and cross the three-lane street to my car, satisfied and excited to get home to indulge in the book.
            Something Borrowed is a New York Times Bestseller by Emily Giffin. To me personally, it was this book that made me realize the publishing industry could become an actual career goal of mine—this book instilled that being an editor was what I wanted for my life and that I should work to achieve that goal. Something Borrowed is your basic Chick Lit genre novel about a girl who falls in love with her best-friend-since-kindergarten’s fiancĂ©e. What’s a girl to do in a situation like that? The concept, literature, and structure of Something Borrowed is brilliant. After reading it for the first time I couldn’t stop myself from reading it a second time, and then a third and then a fourth.
            Throughout my life reading was a hobby. I couldn’t wait to be through with school and go to the beach to read book after book, all summer long. Some of my favorites were The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, biographies like Obama: From Promise to Power, and my favorite genre: historical novels on The Kennedys.  In college, reading a good novel before bed was what I looked forward to the most. Realizing this passion for reading and books was what made me see that this was the right career path for me. I immediately began researching the publishing industry and what it would take for me to be an editor at a publishing house. I switched my major from PR to the new Mass Communications major and I earned an intern position at the USC Press.
 I think that being an editor is where my passion lies, and I would have figured this out sooner or later in life but Something Borrowed and the various other Emily Giffin novels was what truly led me to the desire to be an editor at a publishing house. I continuously work toward this goal everyday and hope that one day I can build my career to be a successful editor at a well-known publishing house

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Keep on Dancing 'Till the World Ends

Okay, so Britney's latest song "Till the World Ends" is an amazing, upbeat, rhythmic song. When I first heard it with by roommate Bragan, we loved it! She even spent 45 minutes trying to find it online before it was released to Itunes. She finally found it from a Chilean website. Ha! But I love it! And hope everyone that sees this does too. I can't wait for "Femme Fatale" to be released! I have high hopes for Britney and this album!

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Trip to Savannah, Ga!

Here are a few of the pictures I was able to take while on my trip to Savannah for the Savannah Book Festival. I'm interning with the USC Press and was able to go to this beautiful city, to celebrate beautiful books and authors. It was a wonderful trip, can't wait to go back!

On the bridge, arriving!

Paula Deen's Store, directly beside her restaurant!

 Juliette Low's House, the Girl Scout in me couldn't resist!

River Street!

Forsyth Park

Abi and I

The bridge we came in on!

I snapped a quick picture while we were on our haunted tour!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight." - Kahlil Gibran

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Top Three Super Bowl Commercials!

These e*trade baby commercials never disappoint! So hilarious!

Of course, the marvelous Glee cast singing in this Chevrolet commercial was beautiful! I loved it! Especially Ms. Lea Michele's voice!

Incorporating old television shows of the last decade was iconic. And a great way to include fans of the shows with the fans of the NFL. Awesome advertising strategy. 

These were my top three favorites. Of course there were lots of commercials to remember from the Super Bowl, but these were my personal favorites. What do you think?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Sometimes, truth isn't good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded."

The Dark Knight

Hmmmmm okay...I just saw this video, I know it's late in the game. But seriously! Yes, Justin Bieber is a little tween boy but he is looking AMAZING dancing in this video. I know my sister, Winter and her roommate Taylor will agree!! :) :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How I Met Your Mother...

The CBS comedy How I Met Your Mother is a television show that never gets old. At this point I believe that I have seen every episode. Reruns are played on three different cable channels-which is an added blessing to my day! :) How I Met Your Mother explores friendships in New York City all while one of the main characters, Ted, tells the story of how he met his wife and his kids mother.

Ted's character gives hope to the 30-something single inside of everyone because he is hopelessly romantic. He is always looking for "the one." And while at some points he takes it to the extreme, (he tells a girl he loves her on the first date) you know that he always means well and will do anything in the name of love. 

Barney, the single and never attached to anyone bachelor, provides exceptional humor at his desperate attempts to sleep with women. His perverted sense of humor gives the show its needed comedy in the form of desperation to constantly SUIT UP and hook up with women who have questionable morals.

Robin is also a single 30 something woman, who is from Canada. She is determined to become a broadcast journalist and almost always puts her career ahead of everything, including love. She doesn't like to get too attached and appeals to the career-minded and independent woman.

Lily and Marshall are like a packaged deal. They've been together since their freshman year of college and are probably the most adorable couple on television. They share everything with one another and love each other no matter what. Yes, they have their ups and downs but they soon workout their relationship and get married!! Their relationship exhibits mature and honest elements that anyone would be jealous of. 

In all, How I Met Your Mother is a television show that I don't know what I would do without. I watch this show every chance I get...and anticipate the new episodes on Monday nights. The comedy plus the mystery of Ted's future wife provides an awesome take on relationships and friendships through the years in the big city of New York. It's a must watch- so tune in everyone!

Friday, January 7, 2011

"Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers, you just breath deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed but sometimes the pain gets you where you least expect it. Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it and life always makes more."

-Grey's Anatomy